The players applaud the CAFC supporters at the end of the game
I just posted this as a comment on another blog but quickly realised it should be a blog post in itself. I took my eldest son to see Charlton play the MK Dons at stadium:MK last night. Two treats that I don’t often get to enjoy rolled into one: some one on one time with my son and watching Charlton play live. All in all, last night was quite special. It was a game of two halves, and then some.

It’s funny reading people’s comments on Twitter and other blogs about the Johnson’s Paint trophy matches. Yes, it’s not the FA Cup or even the League Cup, but it does give the team further chances to play together as that – a team. And what a confidence booster last night must have been after Saturday’s loss at Brentford. Many of those voices who were bad mouthing the JP Cup have become more positive in the light of an away win… and rightfully so. A win is a win is a win. And who knows? A trip to Wembley might not be such a pipe dream after all.

Anyway, I digress. The post:

Was a delight to actually be in attendance last night. Living some 100 miles from the Valley I don’t get that opportunity very often (still no excuse compared to your 3000 mile separation, I know! *) whereas I work in MK so to miss it could have been considered sinful.

First half was painful to watch. I’d taken my 11 yr old son with me to see “Dad’s team” play and to see the MK goal go in was awful. After that the game seemed quite open but Charlton just didn’t seem to be able to string more than 2 passes together for quite a while and the midfield appeared to be asleep so we reverted to primary school “welly it up front and hope someone’s there” tactics.

The second half was like a different team came on. We were suddenly confident, making passes, runs up the wing. I can’t express how well Reid was doing on the left – the two crosses that got us the goals were sublime.

Abbott’s goal literally set the CAFC crowd alight. It was as though we knew we’d win after that. Everyone relaxed, the singing volume was notched up several levels and we were watching a team that were playing. The stadium is huge, far to big for MK at their current level, but it amplifies shouts and songs brilliantly.

As for Wagstaff’s 85th minute goal, well that was exceptional timing. Me and my son were sitting in the 3rd row, just back from the melee of supporters who rushed the front. Brilliant scene. Definitely a moment to remember. Maybe just enough to wean him off Chelsea… (don’t ask).

* Reference to ChicagoAddick

1 Comment

Reid all about it « Chicago Addick · October 6, 2010 at 9:23 PM

[…] at stadium:mk: Doctor Kish; Another Dean; CA fact: Kyel Reid has set up our […]

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