Searching for hope and joy
I learnt a life lesson at a fairly early age in a very simple manner. I was nearly ten and I had saved my money to buy a new Action Man figure with a “real” parachute. It looked amazing. I unwrapped it, dressed Read more…
I learnt a life lesson at a fairly early age in a very simple manner. I was nearly ten and I had saved my money to buy a new Action Man figure with a “real” parachute. It looked amazing. I unwrapped it, dressed Read more…
No, not a new baby(!!), we’ve got a dog. As though having four children wasn’t chaotic enough we’ve added a new four-legged toddler to our family. Some might think that I just missed picking up someone else’s poo too much, Read more…
Photo Credit: bikesandwichI’ve realised that something on this blog was no longer true. Thankfully it was just the strapline that needed to be updated and not the main title. I’m not dead, yet, but I’m also no longer a 30-something. Read more…
Photo Credit: bradleygeeHave been thinking about prayer and what it is; what it does. When you read accounts like that of Abraham when he was talking with God about how many righteous people he would need to find in Sodom Read more…
Photo Credit: Uriel 1998“Who griefed you on there?!” Not the first thing I’d expect to hear from DD4 this afternoon but sure enough it was her voice that uttered that phrase. It’s one that I’m becoming more familiar with as Read more…