No, not a new baby(!!), we’ve got a dog.
As though having four children wasn’t chaotic enough we’ve added a new four-legged toddler to our family.
Some might think that I just missed picking up someone else’s poo too much, but I assure you that was not (and still is not) very high on my list of “things I find fun”. I am however very grateful to the previous owners of our house that we’ve got a tiled floor in the kitchen/utility room and laminate everywhere else.
I deliberately omit the names of my children from this blog for the sake of their privacy and instead adopt the DS or DD notation. So this leaves me in a small quandary as to how to refer to the pup. I think I’ll just break all my rules and opt for simplicity and call her by her name: Tess.
The first few weeks have been fun in many ways. Tess is a very relaxed dog and sleeps much of the day, much to my delight. In the car she has also shown great prowess at falling asleep, even on our most recent and longest journey to visit my parents in London.
What has amazed me most – and this was probably the same for our children as well – is how quickly Tess has become ‘part of the family’. I already can’t really remember what it was like without her around. I’m clearly still in the honeymoon period and I know the reality of responsibility will hit us but for now everything is rosy and we’re enjoying the new addition. Besides, who could resist those big brown eyes?