Photo Credit: Uriel 1998
“Who griefed you on there?!”
Not the first thing I’d expect to hear from DD4 this afternoon but sure enough it was her voice that uttered that phrase. It’s one that I’m becoming more familiar with as all my children have approached the age where “Minecraft” is the thing to do online.
If you’ve not seen it before imagine a world based on graphics that a computer from the early 90’s would have been proud of, then add the online spin of being able to play, build and tear down anything in that world with a million other players from around the world.
With all these online builders around tensions are bound to run high and sometimes grievances surface. It’s here that our new phrase comes into play. If you take it upon yourself to destroy something another player has built you are said to have “griefed” them. Nice abuse of the English language there.