There are times when I wish I could record conversations and play them back later. This is especially true when it comes to my kids – they just crack me up at times and my memory is awful. I want to remember all the funny little things they come out with but I know I’ll have to make do with just some of them. Here’s are two:

“Dad, can we go to Ben Nevis for dinner?”

“Ben Nevis?”

“Yeah, where we went with Grandma and Granddad.”


“Do you mean Frankie & Benny’s.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

Then we were in the car on Saturday and my youngest son asked if we could have some animals in the house.

“What animal would you like to have?”

“Monkeys. Can we have 20? No, 200. Actually I want 2000.”

“Where would you put 2000 monkeys?”

“In my bedroom. They could sleep in with me.”

Categories: FamilyRamblings